Beating the Winter Blues

Are you also feeling low every now and then? And are you also praying to the weather Gods to be kinder, hoping to make the encounter happen with Sunny days more often? Well, you are not alone! Winters can take a toll on our mental well-being as well. I got talking with Ms. Himadri Sharma, Counselling Psychologist, Good Lives ( on this to assure you that you’re not alone.

Question: How and why does the winter weather impact our mental wellbeing?

Answer: Every weather impacts our mental well-being. Some people feel happiest during some, love the winter blues and some just love the summer tan. Winter weather can impact mental well-being with factors like reduced sunlight leading to lower Vitamin D levels and potential disruptions in circadian rhythms. Cold weather and shorter days may also limit outdoor activities, affecting one’s mood. 

Question: What can we do to stay in high spirits in winters?

Answer: To stay in high spirits during winters, consider activities like regular exercise, exposure to natural light, maintaining social connections and practicing mindfulness. Creating a positive routine and taking care of physical health can also help. 

Question: What are the symptoms one needs to watch out for?

Answer: Symptoms to watch for in seasonal affective disorder (SAD) include low energy, irritability, changes in sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating and feelings of hopelessness. If these persist, consulting a healthcare professional is advised. 

Question: Who all are likely to be affected with this seasonal depression?

Answer: Seasonal depression can affect anyone, but individuals with a history of depression, those living far from the equator with less sunlight, and women are more susceptible. Genetics and age can also play a role. 

Question: What is the most effective remedy in this regard?

Answer: Effective remedies for seasonal depression include light therapy (exposure to a bright light that mimics natural sunlight), psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle adjustments. Seek help to understand what might work for you.